Movie Under the Stars – CANCELLED

St. James UCC 9008 Meisner Rd, Casco, United States

Movie to be shown is Secondhand Lions with Michael Caine, Robert Duvall and Haley Joel Osment Concession Stand opens at 8pm, Movie begins at dusk. Bring your chair, blanket and pillow. Free will donation for movie.  

Bon Fire – Hay Ride (Weather permitting)

St. James UCC 9008 Meisner Rd, Casco, United States

We will be having a Bon Fire with a Hayride on Saturday, June 29th at 8pm. Concession stand will be set up with hot dogs, hot pretzels and pop. Bring your lawn chair, blanket, marshmellow sticks for S'Mores and any wood you may have.  

Healing Service

St. James UCC 9008 Meisner Rd, Casco, United States

Sunday Service

St. James UCC 9008 Meisner Rd, Casco, United States

Outside Movie Night

St. James UCC 9008 Meisner Rd, Casco, United States

Movie Under the Stars Secondhand Lions, with Michael Caine, Robert Duvall and Haley Joel Osment Saturday, August 17th 2019 at 8:00pm Movie and Concession Stand Bring your chair, blanket and pillow Free will donation for movie

Outdoor Service and Annual Picnic

St. James UCC 9008 Meisner Rd, Casco, United States

Annual Church Picnic – August 25th The Annual Picnic will be held after Sunday’s outside service.  Stay and spend sometime in fellowship with church members talking, eating and playing games.  Bring a lawn chair, blanket and games if you would like.  Sign-up sheets for a dish to pass / set-up and tear down are available […]