Council Meeting

St. James UCC 9008 Meisner Rd, Casco, United States

St. Johns Fun and Game Night

St. Johns

Cost is $5 per person or $8 per family.  Refreshments will be provided.


St. James UCC 9008 Meisner Rd, Casco, United States

Healing Service

St. James UCC 9008 Meisner Rd, Casco, United States

Chili Cook Off

Perch Point

St. James U.C.C. Annual Chili Cook-Off Sunday, October 14, 2018 Perch Point Conservation Club 7930 Meisner Road, Casco 4:00PM Anyone may enter their chili for judging!  Includes: Chili, Hot Dogs, chips, drink and dessert) Fun for Everyone  Children’s Craft Table Silent Auction Bake Sale      

Cookie Exchange with St. James & St. John’s

St. Johns

12 People have signed up for the Cookie Exchange between both churches.  Bring a dozen cookies for each person if you count yourself, that would be 12.

Council Meeting

St. James UCC 9008 Meisner Rd, Casco, United States