St. James Yard / Bake Sale

St. James will be hosting a Yard Sale on Saturday, August 28th, from 9am to 4ish.  Please donate items to be sold at the yard sale where the proceeds will go to St. James.  No pricing will be necessary, pricing will be as name your own price.  St. John’s has done this process the last 2 years and has had great success. If you wish to purchase a table or space for large Items, where you keep the proceeds, the cost will be $10.00 per table or space.  A bake sale will be held at the same time as the sale.  Would appreciate all the bake goods we can get, the proceeds from the bake sale will also go to St. James. There will be sign-up sheet in the church basement for signing up to help set up, run, and clean up after the sale.  Another sign-up sheet will be available to sign up for either a table or space for your own items (you price your own items).  If you sign up for a table or space, you need to be there and have your own cash drawer.  Tent set up will be on Thursday, August 26th, items can be brought and set up for sale on Friday, August 27th at ant time.  All helpers will need to be there by 8;30am if you can on August 28th, so we can do the last minute set up for the sale and bake sale.