
St. James UCC 9008 Meisner Rd, Casco, United States

Admission is $10.00 per person. Euchres are $0.25 each.


St. James UCC 9008 Meisner Rd, Casco, United States

Admission is $10.00 per person. Euchres are $0.25 each.

St. John’s Blood Drive

Murphy Inn

Blood Drive will be at St. John's UCC 127 N. Williams St. Marine City, MI 48039 Go online to register for your donation, Appointments are from 1:00 - 7:00pm.


St. James UCC 9008 Meisner Rd, Casco, United States

Admission is $10.00 per person. Euchres are $0.25 each.


St. James UCC 9008 Meisner Rd, Casco, United States

Admission is $10.00 per person. Euchres are $0.25 each.

Annual Outside Service and Church Picnic

St. James UCC 9008 Meisner Rd, Casco, United States

Service will be outside (weather permitted). Potluck church picnic will follow after service. Bring a dish to pass. Sign-up in church basement by mid July,